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 This is the city of shapes.

 It is a major project that I     have completed in my     drafting class.

I Completed the GALAGA arcade Game/Machine using AutoDesk2017.

 I created an Island themed mini golf 

course using AutoDesk.

This is the completed Mini golf course in sketch up but the holes designed in auto CAD 2017

This is the beach that i completed on sketch up. I themed it on a mixed east coast/west coast beach house.I added some fine detailing to the house.

I completed the alphabet Assignment in drafting by using the AUTODESK application.

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This is the tetris game format i completed in auto cad.

              Example 11                                                                   Example 7

     Example 2                                                                   Example 3                                                           Example 1

        Example 8                                                                        Example 10                                               Example 13

                     Example 5                                                   Example 6

This is the R2D2 project i completed using multiple blueprints to create the body of R2D2. It was created using the Auto Cad program. I did add a little different on some of the color placement to really add detail.

This is my restaurant(corners bakery) I created using the sketch up application. it is a two story bakery/restaurant 

with a game area and bar and on the second floor a dining area. 

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